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Technology at Saint Augustine's School is used to integrate, support, reinforce and enhance teaching and learning. Students and teachers are encouraged to use technology skills in their everyday class work. 


The library is a place for study, with  a collection of references made available for students.


Computer Laboratories

The school has equipped computer laboratory accessible to the students during the school hours with advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software to cater to the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum.

Science Laboratories

Saint Augustine's School has a science laboratory for grade school, junior school and senior high school. The laboratories is well-equipped for experiments and exploration. The science learning goals of laboratory experiences include enhancing mastery of science subject matter, developing scientific reasoning abilities.

Aralinks:Phoenix Learning Package

Phoenix Aralinks supports schools to effectively integrate technology into the curriculum, extending learning in powerful ways.

registration through aralinks

Technology in the Classrooms: Using LED TV

Our school has LED TV every room which serves as the powertool for the educators. Using LED TV for teaching can enhance student learning by allowing educators to use a variety of different teaching methods. Not all students learn the same, and a TV in the classroom can allow students to interact with information in way that more suits their individual needs. Here are a few more ways Apple TV can enhance student learning.

Classroom LED TV
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